Back to the weekend. I worked until mid-afternoon Saturday and then we took off. It takes about 3 hours total and this trip was no different. We've made it in less, but don't tell the cops ;-). We piddle around in TN as it rains ALL weekend off and on. We shop, and I must insert here and Bri will know what I mean, my mom is too good to me. She always babies me, but that's ok since it was just the two of us for so long, because I baby her too as I give in to a lot with her. Again, I digressed....we ate, we joked, we slept (not as much as I prefer, but then I swear I was a bear in a past life because I like to hibernate), etc. We had such a good time doing not a darn thing other than goofing off. I realize now more than ever that this is where the goodness of life lies. In the goofing off. You don't have to have tons of money or excessive beauty or lots of possessions or anything, other than good friends and family who you can laugh at or with (depending on the circumstances).
In fact, the funniest thing I have ever done to my husband was from this weekend. I decided I needed some toe nail polish so I painted my toes with my favorite bright red polish one night while we were watching some tv in TN. I raked the brush across my husband's big toe. He never moved, so I looked up to see that he was totally and completely engrossed in the movie. A little while later, I did it again and discovered the same thing so I wink at my mom and lean down pretending to continue painting mine, but I paint all of the toes on his left foot. I started snorting as I tried to hold in the laughter (very ladylike I know but it was just too darn funny). I look at my mom who still hadn't quite figured out why I winked and she looks down and almost fell off of the couch. We both start laughing, then Mimi sees it and starts too. My husband, God I love him, is completely oblivious. He's like what's so funny. I just continue laughing, by this point, I am crying with laughter. I manage to gasp out that he should look at his foot. He holds it up and being my wonderful loving husband, he starts laughing and says that's not really my color. It was so funny, so much in fact that I included a picture.

As you can see, we had fun. (Red really isn't good for his toes, he found out how hard it was to remove the color completely the next morning) Rob and I didn't have a lot of money to spend this weekend. In fact, we had food money and very little free spending money. We were fine with this. We had a great little mini vacation and did nothing important other than spend time with one another. This to me is what life is about. Enjoying the living of it. So I don't know about everyone else, but as for me, I plan to pursue life and enjoy it because it is much too short and holds too much fun and blessings for me to pass up. Enjoy!
Glad you had a great time, darling!